08:00 - 09:30 EDT

No Prevention, No End: The importance of Leadership for HIV prevention – How decisions can turn an epidemic


This side event will reinforce the urgent need for leadership to foster and drive decisive action to get back on-track to achieve the HIV prevention targets by 2030. It will spotlight examples where leadership on prevention has moved the needle in the HIV response and address resilience for HIV prevention programmes building into an alongside the intersecting COVID-19 epidemic respnses.


Mia Malan, Bhekisisa Centre for Health Journalism, South Africa


Natalia Kanem, Executive Director, UNFPA
Neville Gertze, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Mission of the Republic of Namibia to the United Nations
Mitchel Warren, Executive Director AVAC & Co-Chair of Global HIV Prevention Coalition
Sheila Tlou, Co-Chair of Global HIV Prevention Coalition
Nguyễn Thanh Long, Minister of Health, Viet Nam
Dame Pauline Tallen, Minister of Women Affairs, Nigeria
Peter Sands, Executive Director, The Global Fund, Switzerland
Pascalle Grotenhuis, Director Social Development & Ambassador for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, the Netherlands
Lord Norman Fowler, Former Lord Speaker of UK Parliament and UNAIDS Ambassador
Khanya Mabuza, Executive Director, National Emergency Response Council on HIV/AIDS, Eswatini
Simón Cazal, Director, SomosGay, Paraguay
Joyce Ouma, Y+ Global Network, Kenya

Invited comments from: Government Partners & Community Representatives

Join us on Zoom: https://unaids.zoom.us/j/92763841282?pwd=bWNJUG9vVmxYeUN1Sm5IaE5nVUdqUT09
Follow on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8o-7gPSuf4

Read the story – Global HIV Prevention Coalition reinforces the need for leadership and decisive action